FertiSoil 4-3-3 | Technical Data Sheet
Animal-based organic-certified fertiliser pellets enhance soil life, structure, and water retention while providing essential nutrients for soil microorganisms. These microorganisms break down organic matter, converting it into nutrients beneficial for plant growth. By boosting microbial activity, these pellets support a thriving soil ecosystem. Their balanced composition makes them an effective all-round plant fertiliser, promoting overall plant health and development.
This fertiliser includes key macro- and micronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, and boron. These nutrients are gradually released throughout the growing season, supporting various plant growth stages. Nitrogen boosts overall growth, phosphorus aids in energy transfer, and potassium enhances disease resistance and fruit quality. Calcium is vital for cell structure, iron is necessary for chlorophyll production, and manganese assists in enzymatic processes. Additionally, zinc, copper, and boron are crucial for metabolic functions.
The interplay between humic and fulvic acids in the fertiliser is vital for nutrient management. Humic acids bind nutrients, while fulvic acids release and mobilize them to plant roots, ensuring efficient nutrient absorption. Fulvic acid notably enhances the uptake of bound nutrients and directly supplies phosphates and iron to plants.
The high organic matter content in these pellets improves soil cohesion and adhesion, acting as a reservoir for water and nutrients. This organic matter retains water and gradually releases it to the soil, functioning like a sponge. This controlled water release promotes sustainable water usage, providing plants with consistent moisture over time.
- Zbilansowane makro- i mikroelementy w cyklu uprawowym
- Zawiera kwasy humusowe i fulwowe.
- Materia organiczna poprawia zdolność gleby do zatrzymywania wody
General advice
W przypadku roślin jednorocznych stosować przed siewem lub sadzeniem, w przypadku roślin wieloletnich stosować na początku sezonu wegetacyjnego. Nawóz należy stosować raz w roku, mieszając go z wierzchnią warstwą gleby. Jeśli zastosowanie nawozu przed sadzeniem nie jest możliwe, należy zastosować nawóz przed deszczem lub nawadniać rośliny po deszczu. Podczas nawożenia drzew należy rozprowadzić nawóz na obszarze korzeni, najlepiej mieszając go z glebą. W celu uzyskania szerszego pokrycia, należy rozsypać nawóz w zależności od potrzeb. Ten przyjazny dla użytkownika nawóz można łatwo stosować na polu ręcznie lub za pomocą rozsiewacza.
General application
Produkt może być stosowany w połączeniu z nawozami al Den Ouden GrowSolutions, produktami bakteryjnymi i mikoryzowymi.
FertiSoil 4-3-3 | Technical Data Sheet
Azot (N-ogółem)4.2 %
Azot (N-org)3.5 %
Azot (NH₄-amon)0.7 %
Fosfor (P₂O₅)3.0 %
Potas (K₂O)2.8 %
Wapń (CaO)9.0 %
Magnez (MgO)1.0 %
Żelazo (Fe)1000 %
Miedź (Cu)100 %
Mangan (Mn)480 %
Cynk (Zn)400 %
Kobalt (Co)2 mg/kg
Kwasy humusowy i fulwowy20 %
Gęstość700 kg/L
Wilgotność<12 %
Średnica granulatu5-6 mm
Średnica granulek (Kruszec)3 mm
Materia organiczna65 %
Siarka (SO4)1.5 %
Bor (B)40 %
Substancja sucha>88 %
As with all organically sourced materials, analysis may vary as much as 15%.
A mixture of industrial processed manure
Produkt odpowiedni do stosowania w rolnictwie ekologicznym zgodnie z rozporządzeniem (UE) 2018/848, (UE) 2021/1165, rozporządzeniem NOP i rozporządzeniem JAS.
Den Ouden GrowSolutions sells the product FertiSoil 4-3-3. Den Ouden GrowSolutions only warrants that the product will comply with the specifications as mentioned in this Document on the date of delivery. Follow the instructions on the packaging and the data sheets closely for storage, use and application rate. We cannot guarantee suitability of the product outside the originally intended application. Use after the expiry date may result in reduced processing. Den Ouden GrowSolutions is only obliged to replace products in the situations as mentioned in her general term and conditions. As Den Ouden GrowSolutions cannot exercise any control over the conditions of use, the buyer/user is responsible for all results, including injury or damage resulting from the use of this product alone or in combination with other materials. Keep out of reach of children. The most recent version of this data sheet is always available on www.denoudengrowsolutions.com.
FertiSoil 4-3-3 | Technical Data Sheet
Porady dotyczące stosowania
Truskawka z otwartego pola
These product application rates are recommendations. The dosage depends on local soil & weather conditions. Recommended rates are for full production
For tree/shrub/plant in development stage or without production, rates can be lowered. Above rates are advised on a complementary based
fertilisation. In most of the times extra nutrients should be applied depending on soil analysis or crop stage. We recommend to the farmers to seek counsel
from their adviser to adjust the recommendations to their particular situation and avoid over- or underfertilisation.