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Optymalne wsparcie odżywcze

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Wzbogacaj glebę i wspieraj zdrowy wzrost roślin dzięki naszym produktom, które dodają składniki odżywcze na bazie organicznej. Ta kategoria nie tylko odżywia rośliny, ale także przyczynia się do żyznej gleby. Stosowanie organicznych składników odżywczych wspomaga równowagę wodną i odnawia życie w glebie, które jest niezbędne do dostarczania składników odżywczych. Produkty organiczne to ważny krok, nasza oferta wykracza poza tę kategorię. Zapoznaj się z naszymi kompleksowymi rozwiązaniami na pozostałych etapach, z których każde ma na celu zaspokojenie konkretnych potrzeb roślin i gleby.

Składniki odżywcze

Składniki odżywcze


 Increases abiotic stress tolerance

Zwiększa tolerancję na stres abiotyczny

Macro- and micronutrients, along with amino acids, contribute to plant processes, making the plant more resilient to abiotic stresses such as heat and drought. These nutrients support the plant in maintaining vital functions, improve water retention in cells and stimulate the production of stress-resistant compounds.

 Balanced macro- and micro-nutrients during the crop cycle

Zbilansowany profil makro- i mikroskładników odżywczych

The specific macro- and micro-nutrients and amino acids are easily absorbed by the plant. Amino acids are beneficial to the plant because they are essential building blocks for proteins, enzymes and hormones. They promote cell growth, improve resistance to abiotic stress and optimize nutrient uptake. Including amino acids in a fertilizer makes a direct and efficient contribution to plant health and vitality.

 For a natural plant growth

Dla naturalnego wzrostu roślin

The macro- and micronutrients support healthy plant growth by contributing to natural plant processes. These nutrients are essential for plants because they play crucial roles in various biological processes. Macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are necessary for building cell structures, energy transfer and photosynthesis. They are the basis for healthy growth and development.

 Organic matter improves water holding capacity of the soil

Materia organiczna poprawia zdolność gleby do zatrzymywania wody

A fertilizer pellet with a high organic matter content contributes to increased water retention between soil particles. This pellet acts as a reservoir of organic matter that retains water, keeping it available to the plant. The organic matter in the fertilizer pellet acts as a sponge-like structure that retains water and gradually releases it to the soil. This promotes sustained and efficient use of water by the plant, allowing it to benefit from moisture for longer periods of time.

 Contains humic and fulvic acids

Zawiera kwasy humusowe i fulwowe.

Kwasy humusowe buforują składniki odżywcze w glebie. Fulwowe transportują składniki odżywcze do rośliny.

 Balanced macro- and micro-nutrients during the crop cycle

Zbilansowane makro- i mikroelementy w cyklu uprawowym

The organic fertilizer contains various macro- and micro-nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc and boron, which are gradually released throughout the growing season. This comprehensive mix of nutrients is essential for various aspects of plant growth. Nitrogen promotes overall growth, phosphorus is essential for energy transfer, and potassium enhances disease resistance and improves fruit quality. Calcium contributes to cell structure and vigor, iron is crucial for chlorophyll formation, and manganese plays a role in various enzymatic processes. Zinc and boron are also vital for various metabolic functions.

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